/ Q: How many members of the U.S.S.       \
| Enterprise does it take to change a     |
|                                         |
| light bulb? A: Seven. Scotty has to     |
| report to Captain Kirk that the light   |
| bulb in                                 |
|                                         |
| the Engineering Section is getting dim, |
| at which point Kirk will send           |
|                                         |
| Bones to pronounce the bulb dead        |
| (although he'll immediately claim       |
|                                         |
| that he's a doctor, not an              |
| electrician). Scotty, after checking    |
|                                         |
| around, realizes that they have no more |
| new light bulbs, and complains          |
|                                         |
| that he "canna" see in the dark. Kirk   |
| will make an emergency stop at          |
|                                         |
| the next uncharted planet, Alpha Regula |
| IV, to procure a light bulb             |
|                                         |
| from the natives, who, are friendly,    |
| but seem to be hiding something.        |
|                                         |
| Kirk, Spock, Bones, Yeoman Rand and two |
| red shirt security officers             |
|                                         |
| beam down to the planet, where the two  |
| security officers are promply           |
|                                         |
| killed by the natives, and the rest of  |
| the landing party is captured.          |
|                                         |
| As something begins to develop between  |
| the Captain and Yeoman Rand,            |
|                                         |
| Scotty, back in orbit, is attacked by a |
| Klingon destroyer and must              |
|                                         |
| warp out of orbit. Although badly       |
| outgunned, he cripples the Klingon      |
|                                         |
| and races back to the planet in order   |
| to rescue Kirk et. al. who have         |
|                                         |
| just saved the natives' from an awful   |
| fate and, as a reward, been             |
|                                         |
| given all light bulbs they can carry.   |
| The new bulb is then inserted           |
|                                         |
| and the Enterprise continues on its     |
\ five year mission.                      /
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